This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Experience from Turkey

After an amazing trip to Turkey, I want to share our experience with you. First I will describe trip and then the water condition of water in Turkey.
The first day we gathered at the airport and went on the plane. After the two-hour trip to Istanbul we took a metro train to get to our hostel. On the way there we met the students from Poland. They had been in Istanbul for three days, so they showed us the way to the hotel and took us on a short walk around Istanbul and stopped for a tea. After that we went in our hotel. We were on the terrace talking with the students from Poland. The terrace had a grat view of the sea and the Blue mosque. The next day we went to Haiga Sophia which was amazing. After that we went on the Bazaar, which is the biggest market I have ever seen. After buying souvenirs on the market we went on a bus, where we also met students from Finland.

We went on the Asian side of Istanbul and then on the ferry, which took us to Yalova. Then the bus drove us to the school, where we met the families, that we were staying with. I stayed at a regular Turkish family in an apartment.

   The next day we went to the school, where we did our presentations of the condition of the water in our country. After every country presented their presentations we went in a nice coffee shop on a beach with our Turkish, Polish and Finnish friends where we got to know each other. After that we went around Yalova.

   The last day we went on a tour with two minibuses. We visited many sites that showed how Turkish people get their water. After that we went to the pool. We swam in a pool and in a "Turkish bath" which has 40°C, some of us went in the sauna which has around 80°C.

After that we went to a restaurant were we got some traditional Turkish food. After we ate the food we had a party with music and dancing. The next morning we woke up at 6 in the morning and went to the harbour, where we said goodbye to our new friends and went back to Istanbul. We took a taxi to the airport where we boarded our plane and went home.

      The condition of water in Turkey is worse than in Slovenia, but it is not critical. The city of Yalova gets all its water from a lake, which goes through similar purification processes that we have in Slovenia. They clean sewer water by leaving it for the particles to lay on the bottom and the releasing it back to the lake.

by Jaka Čelhar

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