This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Moji vtisi iz Krakowa

Odhod smo imeli v nedeljo iz glavne postaje v Ljubljani.
Vlak nas je pripeljal do Dunaja kjer smo prestopili na na spalni vlak, ki nas je pripeljal do glavne postaje v Krakow kjer smo tudi iztopili. Voditeljica dogodka nas je peljala v hostel kjer smo razložili prtljago
Prvi dan na poljskem smo imeli zase zato smo se odpravili v glavni stari trg, in se orientirali. Hodili smo po ulicah si ogledovali trgpvine, šli na kavo.
Naslednji dan bi morali imeti predstavitev, vendar so je prestavili na dan kasnej. Naslednji dan smo imeli voden ogled glavni znamenitosti mesta. Ogledali smo is trdnjavo in obzidje, nato smo prisli do glavnega trga kjer stoji trznica v kateri so v starih časih prodajali večinoma usnjene izdelke.
Poleg tržnice je stala cerkev ki je bila zelo bogato okrasena in vsake 4 ure se je slišala melodija trobente. Nato smo obiskali staro akademijo kjer si ob 12 lahko slišal študentsko himno ki so je takrat imeli. Nato pa je sledil ogled gradu kjer je bilo veliko lepo ohranjenih uklesanih umetnin ter carkofagi umrlih kraljev in kraljic.
Naslednji dan smo si ogledali rudnik soli, kar je bilo meni osebno najbolj zanimivo saj ne bilo vse iz soli. Rudarji so v rudniku klesali kapelice in kipe kateri so bili vsi iz soli. Pogledali smo si tudi glavno dvprano ki je bila čudovita. V njej so bili svečniki iz soli ter v steno vklesane umetnine kot so zadnja večerja in mnogo drugih umetnin. V tej dvorani se lahko tudi poročiš. Zadnja stvar katero smo si ogledali je biu Aušvic.

Bilo je zanimivo in poučno a vendar srhljivo. Predstavitev je odpadla vsem državam ker smo dobili preveč splošna navodila. Na koncu tedna smo si še malo sami ogledali mesto in nato odšli na vlak in se poslovili čudovitemu mestu ki je Krakow.


We travelled to Krakow with the train, so we had a long road to get there. When we came there I tough it was a lot like Ljubljana, but it really wasn’t. We’ve been there for five days and we had a great time.
First day we could do whatever we wanted, so we went to the main city square, it was really nice.
The next day we went to the hosting school, where we should have our presentations, but we didn’t have them and we just sang a song that we have wrote. After we finished at the school we went back to the hostel where we had to prepare ourselves for going into Stalowe Magnolie bar.
For Wednesday we had planed a guided tour around the city and we saw entire city and Wawel castle. In the afternoon we went to the underground museum and saw how Krakow became Krakow.
On Thursday we went to the Wieliczka salt mine. When we came back, we spend our free time at the main square.
And then there was Friday, the last day we were in Krakow. On Friday we went to Auschwitz, where we saw how life was difficult for Jewish prisoners. After Auschwitz, we went to the train station to wait for our train and leave Poland.

Tajda Celija, 2. G

What I learned while I was in Poland?

Well next to the bus you can also use a tram as public transport,which is more ecological. It makes the city cleaner. And a lot of people actually uses the trams so they help reduce CO2. They also walk a lot because it is faster sometimes to go on foot then to use a bus or a tram. In the heart of Krakow you can use a traditional cab(carriage). 
The second day there we were learning about ecology around the world. We were introduced different ways of producing energy and a lot of them were ecology friendly to the environment. 
Later that day we were talking about how can we help reduce CO2 and then we watch a short interview about ecological footprint and learned that people still don't known much about ecological footprint.

Alja ferk, 2. G

Thursday 3 April 2014


I have joined a project called Viribus Unitis - Help the world with joint efforts. First I didn't really know much about the project, but I thought it was a great opportunity to learn how to help the world with our solutions. Me and Tom were working together on a project how to reduce carbon dioxide. We had to present that in Krakow...
At first I didn't know anything about the city, but I was excited to go there. At the train station I was introduced to family with which I was staying untill the rest of the week. They were so friendly, and all of them spoke English very well. On monday I went to school with Andrzej (my host). He took me on a tour around the city. He showed me the main square and other main buildings like St.Mary's Church which is also on the main square.
On tuesday we presented out project about the carbon dioxide with Tom. I also went to guitar lessons with Andrzej.
On wednesday I had another tour around the city, this time with the whole group, and I later went to a historical museum of Krakow about the second world war with Andrzey and Tom.
On thursday we went to Wieliczka salt mine. It was very interesting and beautiful.
On friday we went to Auschwitz.
I really enjoied the stay in Krakow. The family accepted me as one of their members so I really felt like home. I definitely want to visit Krakow again!
Jon Brce 2. G